Txt 08-26-07 8:48pm

I hate me.

Txt 08-26-07 8:46pm

Do you hate me?

Txt 08-26-07 8:45pm

Sad face.

Txt 08-26-07 8:16pm

Why am i so slow?

Txt 08-26-07 7:43pm

I'm sorry for everything.

Txt 08-26-07 1:59pm

Well I have to go out. I sent you an email. I'll be home in a few hours.

Txt 08-26-07 1:38pm

Are you going to be able to get back online?

Txt 08-26-07 1:35pm

I can't take this. I have no one to talk to.

Txt 08-26-07 1:31pm

I can't deal with this.

Txt 08-26-07 1:07pm

I need to talk to you.

Txt 08-26-07 7:48am

Biting seals are back at aquatic park.

Txt 08-26-07 7:47am

Will I get to talk to you today?

Txt 08-25-07 7:51pm

Im sorry. I know you can't. Talk to you online later?

Txt 08-25-07 7:49pm

Would you come watch me if I race tomorrow?

Txt 08-25-07 7:21pm

Will you be online tonight? I don't know yet.

Txt 08-19-07 2:45pm

If only you were here.

Txt 08-19-07 2:43pm


Txt 08-19-07 10:57am

I'm tired. I want to cry.

Txt 08-19-07 9:53am

I am a horrible person.

Txt 08-19-07 7:20am

Good luck this morning. Go fast.

Catching Up txt 08-18-07 11:41pm

You are going to quit 100 percent after the race or we are no longer friends. Sorry it has come to that.

Catching Up txt 08-18-07 11:37pm

No. That means nothing to me.

Catching Up txt 08-18-07 11:34pm

I can;t handle you and TNT anymore. How am I going to survive like this?

Catching Up txt 08-18-07 6:16pm


Catching Up txt 08-18-07 1:38pm

I'm scared. I can't do this.

Catching Up txt 08-16-07 6:24pm

You're a lousy lying piece of shit. Fuck you.

Catching Up txt 08-15-07 7:24pm

Why are you always trying to get rid of me?

Catching Up txt 08-14-07 12:13pm

Why do you have to hate me so much.

Catching Up txt 08-05-07 8:51pm

Are you going to make me go to jail? How is the concert?

Catching Up txt 08-05-07 8:17am

Stop trying to kill me!

Catching Up txt 08-05-07 4:31am

I can't handle this anymore. All I think about is you. Why do you hate me so much?

Catching Up txt 08-04-07 9:51pm

There is no other option. I have to.

Catching Up txt 08-04-07 8:20pm

I have to be punished. I must be killed.

Catching Up txt 08-04-07 5:40pm

Go Team! Die H******.

Catching Up txt 08-04-07 3:55pm

I hate that I will have to die for your pathetic life.

Catching Up txt 08-03-07 2:29pm

Cool. Here at the park napping in the sun. Have fun at rehearsal listening!

Catching Up txt 08-03-07 12:36pm

Official results posted for 1mi swim last weekend...I placed 6th in women's wetsuit!!! time - 28:42 Yay!

Catching Up txt 07-22-07 9:25pm

I feel dead and shriveled and tired inside.

Catching Up txt 05-23-07 7:42pm

I have never wanted to die more than I do right now.